There are certain systems of yoga where they are completely focused towards astral travel and things like this. It needs enormous sadhana for a person to do that. Etheric body is not something that you can touch unless you are in a certain level of sadhana and intensity within yourself. Etheric is a transitory energy, it is neither physical nor beyond – it is a transition. Bliss body is totally beyond the physical. Physical body, mental body and energy body are physical. This means you can still conduct your physical activity in the world because your physical body, mental body and energy body are intact. What is being referred to as astral travel is, leaving the physical body, mental body, energy body and the bliss body intact, and just allowing the etheric body to float around.
We are seeing how to employ a specific method to make use of certain things. Though the last two are not physical, still we are referring to them as “body” because yoga is a method, not a philosophy. We are referring to everything as body in yoga so that you can understand it as a physical entity. The fourth is known as vignanamaya kosha or the etheric body, and the fifth as the anandamaya kosha or the bliss body. The third layer of the body is the energy body, or the pranamaya kosha. Even if you don’t know anything about the microphone, you can infer that there is a source that powers it. For example, a microphone amplifies sound.
Without energy, all this cannot be happening. And you can infer that if these three things have to happen the way they are happening, there must be an energy that makes them happen.
Right now, the only things that are in your experience are your body, your mind, and your emotions. People lie down and just imagine that they are flying here and there that is not it.